@stuckinarut2: "Jesus supposedly said 'you are the light of the world...do not hide your light under a basket...but let it shine...etc'. So why do 'Christ's brothers' act so defensively and secretively?"
Because they're "basket" cases. That's why.
why do the gb stonewall individuals with legitimate questions.
for example, they refuse to speak to investagative journalists like trey bundy, unless they happen to get caught somewhere walking about in the street by chance.. i remember the panorama documentary 'suffer the little children' where the presenter tried to arrange an interview with one of the gb.
i can't remember if the gb either refused or simply didn't reply.
@stuckinarut2: "Jesus supposedly said 'you are the light of the world...do not hide your light under a basket...but let it shine...etc'. So why do 'Christ's brothers' act so defensively and secretively?"
Because they're "basket" cases. That's why.
is there anyone who will just say it straight in bethel?.
"governing body members, you're embarrassing us with every broadcast.
@freddo Come again?!
thought i'd share this article i was sent today.
it's getting to where you can't go and take a leisurely stroll or hike without being bombarded with the stufff we want to get away from.http://www.citizen-times.com/story/sports/outdoors/girls-gone-outdoors/2017/07/06/proselytizing-blue-ridge-parkway/452390001/.
The ironic thing is, they're sitting next to a sign that prohibits littering. All I see is a big pile of garbage set up for display.
yes god directs our writings but they're not inspired, so gods directions are staggered and overlapping , so the genuine innocent believing jw has a wonderful life of overlapping bullshit.
so next time you meet a jw priest ask them what is the difference between being directed and inspired, then i promise you will hear first hand an example of overlapping bull..
Yes. "Guided" by Holy Spirit. "Directed" by it. Yet "not inspired" by it. That's like saying this computer I'm typing on is running on electricity, even though it's NOT PLUGGED IN and never has been. All I'd be left with is a dead computer collecting dust. To suggest that there's a spark of electricity running through it (ie, "Holy Spirit directed") would be blatant lunacy. The blank screen (WT's empty prophecies) speaks volumes for itself.
i was looking for the word that jwfacts.com used for "forcing a meaning" into ex.
a scripture.
@jp1692 I'll take "eisegesis" for $200, Alex.
i was looking for the word that jwfacts.com used for "forcing a meaning" into ex.
a scripture.
I'm not sure. Infer? Lloyd Evans also uses the term "superimposes" in reference to the subjective and biased spin that the GB puts on scriptures. I don't know, otherwise.
Paging @jwfacts....
i have not been to a meeting for about 2 years now.
i do not intend to go back but one thing has me baffled.
why do ones that have faded and been out for years return?
@stuckinarut2 It's their way of redeeming themselves before Jehovah (WT) and using their "outing" of an apostate as a means to make up for inactivity.
take a ride with me back to 1987. picture yourself in your town, or city centre.
remember the clothes people wore, the hairstyles etc.... now imagine yourself doing your ministry out on the street, engaging with people, speaking with them, striking up conversations.
now, how would you feel, and what would you say, if you noticed two people appear nearby with a cart.
Mind blown. The changes in the organization are so subtle and gradual that we don't really notice them. But to juxtapose the two decades like you just did reveals how hypocritical the Society is. Watchtower IS the Christendom they loathe and wish to eviscerate.
i don't mean overly obvious, or otherwise meaning to cause harm, but taught to lie for the purpose of avoidance.
this type of lying can be pervasive in areas of life that are not just to avoid discussions with people who have questions about the jw, etc.
my husband will lie/be deceitful about the silliest, simple things.
Most of the counsel given in the Theocratic Ministry School (which teaches Witnesses how to conduct themselves during house-to-house encounters) has this undertone:
Looks like the angels directed these sisters to the right house, because this is the ONLY home that truly represents who is TRULY PRAYING to be contacted by the Witnesses.